Spire.Doc中TextBox如何设置为透明色 - 小众知识


2022-12-26 13:01:32 苏内容
  标签: word


TextBox TB = document.Sections[0].Paragraphs[0].AppendTextBox(100,100);



TB.Format.FillColor = Color.Empty;


TextBoxFormat Methods

The TextBoxFormat type exposes the following members.


  Name Description

Protected method AcceptFormatRevisionCore(Int32,Int32[]) (Inherited from WordAttrCollection.)

Protected method AcceptFormatRevisionCore(FormatBase,Int32[], WordAttrCollection) (Inherited from WordAttrCollection.)

Protected method CheckUpdateFlagsColl (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Public method ClearBackground (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Public method ClearFormatting

Clears the formatting.

(Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method ClearPropUpdateFlag (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Public method Clone

Clone textbox format.

Protected method CloneImpl (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method CreateEmptyCopy (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method EnsureComposites() (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method EnsureComposites(Int32[]) (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)

Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)

Protected method GetBaseKey (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method GetDefComposite(Int32) (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method GetDefComposite(Int32, FormatBase) (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method GetDefValue (Overrides FormatBase.GetDefValue(Int32).)

Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)

Protected method GetSprmOption (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)

Public method HasKey

Checks if Key exists.

(Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method ImportContainer (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method ImportMembers (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method InitCompositePrimaryKey (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method InitXDLSHolder (Inherited from DocumentSerializable.)

Protected method IsPropertyUpdated (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)

Protected method OnChange (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Protected method ReadXmlAttributes (Overrides DocumentSerializable.ReadXmlAttributes(IXDLSAttributeReader).)

Protected method ReadXmlContent (Inherited from DocumentSerializable.)

Protected method RestoreReference (Inherited from DocumentSerializable.)

Protected method SetAttr (Inherited from AttrCollection.)

Protected method SetPropUpdateFlag (Inherited from FormatBase.)

Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)

Protected method WriteXmlAttributes (Overrides DocumentSerializable.WriteXmlAttributes(IXDLSAttributeWriter).)

Protected method WriteXmlContent (Inherited from DocumentSerializable.)

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